
Funeral Related Articles


Activities are used to register an important event in a funeral or stock item and allow that event to then generate notifications to relevant staff members. See the articles on Configuring Notifications to set that up. The different types of act...

Adding Notes or Complaints

Explanatory or Instructional Notes can be added to any section of Obit by clicking on the Note Icon on the top bar. Clicking this you will first be asked if you are creating a Note or a Complaint. If you select Note then you may enter text in re...

Adding Places to a Funeral

All funerals will involve the use of many Places. These include everything from the Deceased Address, Service Church, Cemetery, Charity for Donations and your Funeral Home. When adding a place to a funeral you can select between Existing places th...

Cancelling a Funeral

If you need to cancel a funeral simply change the status of the funeral to Cancelled using the status dropdown.

My first Funeral Template

Templates are useful in reducing the time needed to add Funerals that have commonly recurring elements. Obit allows you to create Templates for all funeral types and/or Branches. This allows the Funeral Director to consider smaller more precisely ...

Creating an Exhumation

How to approach an unusual event using specially created Items, Summary descriptions and the Editor to map the event. To create an Exhumation, first set the funeral type in the General area You will need at least one special Item for an event li...

Creating a Pre-Need Funeral

Step-by-step guide In the General section, select the Funeral Type Pre-Need and Branch/Company involved. The Funeral Origin and Detail fields are filled in according to the policy in the Client organisation. Note - The Provider field allows you...

Customising the Pre-Need Funeral Reference

Obit allows you to have a special and distinct numbering sequence for Pre-Need or Pre-Arranged Funerals so it's easy to distinguish them from regular funerals. We recommend that you use a pattern that is clearly different from your regular funeral...

Exporting Funeral Data

You can export data from Obit for analysis, reporting or for creating anniversary lists. You may, for example, wish to check what funerals you handled this month last year so that you can send a sympathy card or note. Or, you may want to invite al...

Funeral Sections

When you press the 'Create' button as the final step in creating a new funeral, Obit will generate a set of screens/sections for that funeral. The following is a brief description and explanation of these. General - In initial screen, select Fune...

Funeral Status Checklists

Funeral Status Checklists can be used to customise Obit to work for your company. You can add as many as needed to reflect how you manage your funerals. Configuring your Status Checklists This requires admin privilege. To begin enter the Admin Ar...

Funeral Status Icons

These are useful to help the User decide which funeral accounts need attention. The Account status icons help the User to decide which funeral accounts need work. The first three columns on the Funeral and Finance pages display these icons. It is ...

Funeral Creation Date

Note: Amending the creation date requires Admin level access. The Creation date is the date the funeral record is created. It is shown in the funeral view in the column called 'Created'. When should I change the Creation Date ? If you are enteri...

Funeral Completion Date

Until December 2020 (up to version 3) we used the Service Date to try and mark the end of the Funeral Director's duties on a particular funeral. Unfortunately, some funerals (such as repatriations) often do not have a service. Similarly, the num...

Funeral Reference

The Funeral reference number is frequently used to identify a funeral. It is a standard display item in many screens and documents. When you start using Obit, you should decide if you want to use the default system or create your own. Default The ...

Sequential Number and Last Funeral Number

These fields (combined with the Funeral Reference Number) are important to understand if your client has decided to have a bespoke funeral reference number pattern. All the activities described in this article are reserved for Admin level Users. S...

Using Belongings

Handling Personal Items/Belongings, especially those which are to be returned to the Client/Family Click Belongings on the side menu The detail of the Items involved should be entered in the "Enter Belonging....." box and hit the Enter key. Note...

Funeral Templates

Obit allows you to create templates associated with any funeral type or branch/company.  The Template function helps to reduce the time needed in funeral creation by allowing you to include all elements of a funeral; Merchandise, Services, Arrange...

Funeral Wizard

The video above takes you through the most important points. In the main Funeral screen, click the Funeral Wizard button to start the process. You don't need to know everything when using the wizard, e.g. if Places for some events are not yet dete...

Quick Guide to Loading a Funeral

Quick Guide for Loading Funerals  Top 10 Tips Obit is a web app that can run on any internet connected device; Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone. The link for Obit is   (hint - in the URL box just start to type app.ob...

Reset Branch/Company or Global counters for New Year

The actions described in this article can only be performed by Admin level users. If you have defined a bespoke funeral reference number scheme you may have decided to include a counter, as in YY Branch Code NNN --> 21Code001 as the first funeral ...

Example - use of Status Config and Notifications to create Pre- and Post-Funeral Checklists

You can use the Status Config and Notifications functions to create your own tailored Checklists Pre- and Post-Funeral.  When you open Obit, you will find this area completely blank - the Status Config and Notification functions are yours to speci...

Example - Overview, Dashboard and Schedule

The Overview, Dashboard and Schedule screens offer different display options to the Funeral Director to show Arrangements and Assignments. Example funeral has Employee, Vehicle and Room Assignments. To see the Notes/Status Config/Notifications, se...

Input field obscured (Auto Fill problem)

This problem can occur if your browser's default setting allows previous entries to be offered to the User as in this example In this example, we were trying (in Chrome browser) to enter times for Service Place. The way to clear this problem is to...

How are Arrangement and Place times linked?

It sometimes happens that times change for events, whether that be Repose, Service or other. Be aware that changing place times after you have created arrangements that involve them will not automatically update them and will not be reflected in t...

My First Funeral

This article takes you step-by-step through the creation of your first funeral. We do recommend that you use the Funeral Wizard option to create the funeral even if you have not created many commonly-used places. The wizard has many benefits regar...

Funeral related tokens

{{funeralPlace}} and {{funeralDate}} are linked to {{funeralType}}