All funerals will involve the use of many Places. These include everything from the Deceased Address, Service Church, Cemetery, Charity for Donations and your Funeral Home.
When adding a place to a funeral you can select between
- Existing places that are already being used in this funeral
- Existing places you already have stored in Obit
- A New Place
Example - Adding a New Place
If you select the Create New Place option you will see a screen like this
The Highlighted Place Name (optional) is important for frequently used places - we recommend that you limit the use of that field in other cases.
The Type field is very important and we highly recommend you use it for frequently used places.
In the Formatted Address you can enter the long address or just enter the Post Code - this will return the full address in some countries or the the nearby area in others - this will save a lot of time and ensure consistent address creation. The remaining details can be either added to the address line or in the extra details field.
The extra details allows you to add important information; e.g. "Basement Apartment, Side entrance" as appropriate - Obit also allows you to decide where that information should appear in documents.