When you press the 'Create' button as the final step in creating a new funeral, Obit will generate a set of screens/sections for that funeral.
The following is a brief description and explanation of these.
- General - In initial screen, select Funeral Type, if Pre-Need (default is NO), Company, Responsible staff (default is whoever is signed in), Funeral Origin/Detail (optional) and Third Party Provider.
- Deceased - Enter all available details on deceased. Surviving Family in "Survived by" and former Address or associations in "Late of"
- Places - within the funeral - define Place of Death and Deceased Residence (no times/dates) and Place of Pickup, Embalming, Viewing, Service and Burial with times/dates. NB - Death Notice may be produced once the two public times (Viewing and Service) have been defined - the other times are only necessary if you want to communicate assignment rosters to other staff members and/or wish to use Obit to control the use of Resources.
- Grave - if relevant, add Grave details
- Contacts - Add all relevant Funeral Contacts - Client must be defined to create a full invoice, all other contacts/roles optional
- Belongings - if relevant they may be added here. Ashes may be handled in this segment.
- Notices - this section is used to generate Death Notices and other documents. Publishing flag is here for publishing on website.
- Orders - this section creates the funeral account. The user may use templates to speed up the process. Private or in-house times can be set here for better Resource management. Once all entries are verified, invoicing may occur.
- Invoicing - this section is used to generate Invoices and related documents, record payments and set Account status
- Uploads - this section can be used to upload any important funeral-related documents and photographs. Profile photo for Deceased is loaded and flagged here.
- Activities & Notes - all notes, complaints and other activities are collected here for easier viewing.
- Condolences - manage all condolence messages left by friends and family.
- Audit Log - a complete record of all actions that have taken place on the funeral since creation