Contacting Support
If at any stage you encouter a problem, have a suggestion or want to dicuss anything else simply click on the Help Area (the ? icon) and click on Start a Conversation. If it's a bug report we do ask that you try: Describe the problem in as much de...
Entering Addresses
In Obit anywhere our can enter an address we distinguish between the different fields of the address, like Town or County and how that address will be formatted when used in an invoice or to address a letter, which is what the formatted address is...
Getting Started with Obit
When your Obit client is created we recommend the following steps to get started. The recommended order and the relevant Help Articles are listed in this article. You do not have to follow the order exactly. Lytesoft are ready to assist via our on...
Funeral Creation Tips
A short article with the most commonly asked questions about entering funerals in Obit Obit is a web app that can run on any internet connected device; Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or SmartPhone. The link for Obit is (hint - in t...
Creating a Stock Item
Items are any stock items that may form part of the Funeral Account. Note - When Starting to Use Obit When your client is created a number of Items will have been added from defaults so that you have some default items. Random prices have been inc...
Reset Branch/Company or Global counters for New Year
The actions described in this article can only be performed by Admin level users. If you have defined a bespoke funeral reference number scheme you may have decided to include a counter, as in YY Branch Code NNN --> 21Code001 as the first funeral ...
Input field obscured (Auto Fill problem)
This problem can occur if your browser's default setting allows previous entries to be offered to the User as in this example In this example, we were trying (in Chrome browser) to enter times for Service Place. The way to clear this problem is to...