The Funeral reference number is frequently used to identify a funeral. It is a standard display item in many screens and documents. When you start using Obit, you should decide if you want to use the default system or create your own.


The default Funeral Reference Number in Obit is generated by the Initials of the Deceased followed by the year, month and day of death.

So, for example, the Reference Number for Michael Sullivan, who died on the 7th of March, 2019 will be MS-20190307.

Michael O'Sullivan becomes MOS-20190307

Michael (Mike) Sullivan becomes MMS-20190307

Customising the Funeral reference pattern

If you have an existing pattern that you wish to continue using, Obit offers a set of options that you can use to create a Bespoke Funeral Reference Number pattern.

  1. In the Documents function, find and copy the document containing the default pattern by clicking the copy button.
  2. You should edit the name of the copied file to suit your business.
  3. To create your own pattern, use the Insert Token icon to select from the options. These include creating counters, inserting elements from Dates and Names, and inserting the Company/Branch Code.
  4. Note that the order in which you use these is entirely up to you. You can also add text.
  5. To make this pattern active, you need to reference this document in the Admin area.
  6. The Funeral Reference box will be blank. When you click the down arrow, Obit will offer you the two defined patterns; Default and the one you just created. Change to your pattern and save
  7. Go to the Companies sections and open each branch. If you are using counters in your reference pattern you need to set the starting number.
  8. If you now return to an existing funeral, open the Deceased section and click the Regenerate Funeral Reference button in the top right of the screen
  9. If you are unhappy with the reference you can always edit it manually by just clicking on it but best to get your template working right so you don't have to worry about it.