Used when creating Banner Headers or mixing Images and Text

Tables can be manipulated by hovering over the borders and clicking and dragging that border to where you would like it. You can also add and remove rows or columns to the table once it’s created.

New Tables can be created by clicking the Table icon

Click the Insert Table icon and then draw the size of table you would like by moving the mouse pointer to the right and down as you see fit. When you are happy click to insert it.

Table Styling

By default tables will be created with the usual style, i.e. with only vertical lines. If you would like to change this you can highlight the table, then click the button marked “Table Style” and select the style you would like. To add both vertical and horizontal lines select “Bordered Table” or to remove borders entirely select “No Borders”.


Using Tables to position images in a document

A common use of tables is to create a document header that neatly aligns your company name, company logo and possibly some other logos. In the following example we will use the Insert Table function to create an area where we can place logos left and right, with Text in the centre.

Click the table icon as above and change the number of segments to 3.

Three equal sized segments will be created. You can change the size of the segments as needed by catching the border and moving to increase or decrease the proportion.

Note - New tables can be easily configured to have either “no borders” or “only horizontal lines”. See Table Styling for more info.

To insert an image already in your library, then click the Insert Image icon and select the image you would like to use. (See the Article on Inserting images for more info on this.)

Commonly used images, such as the IAFD or SAIF logo will be automatically in the library, others can be uploaded by the user as desired.

Fonts, font sizes, colours and alignment can be adjusted as desired.

Here’s an example of what a header might look like with a 3x1 table.