Click the Schedule section from the side menu


The Rota view allows you to view the activities upcoming in the next one to seven days. The display will differ slightly when moving from 1 to 2-7 days.

The Upper section of the Display shows all funerals in the date range chosen.

Any notes related to individual movements are automatically highlighted.

The itinerary for multi-point trips is shown with all addresses in sequence as well as the initials of the assigned staff member.

Below the schedule there is always a list of all the important details needed to carry out those tasks including Contacts, Places & Contact Numbers.

Print Rota will print a hard-copy of the page.

Send Tasks Email will email all the involved Staff Members an email of all tasks to which they have been assigned.

Send Rota Email will send the entire Rota to all staff members.

Sending Task/Rota Emails

When you send a task email to staff you will see that the colour of the driver initials changes to indicate their confirmation status.

BlackNot Sent
RedSent but not delivered
BlueSent and Delivered (Coming soon)
GreenRead and Confirmed


This may be of interest to the User on a very busy day when resources are very stretched. It is designed so that the staff member involved can flag any delay so that all are immediately informed


This allows the user to view the disbursements section of any funeral and generate envelopes for these. This is described in a separate article. See Printing disbursement envelopes